Dunwell para Dino-Lite

Harsh Environment Enclosure ("AF" Series & USB 3.0 Edge Series)

Harsh environment enclosure for “AF” Models, USB 3.0 Edge Series, EdgePLUS & AM5218 Dino-Lite microscopes.


"AF" Series, USB 3.0 Models, EdgePLUS 1.3MP, AM5218 HDMI Models

Harsh environment enclosure for “AF” Models, USB 3.0 Edge Series, EdgePLUS & AM5218 Dino-Lite microscopes. This encasement will protect the Dino-Lite Microscope exposed to damaging debris or loose particles. This protective device uses the built-in LED light of the Dino-Lite microscope to view pre-adjusted magnified images. The MSAH303 includes an aluminum extendable rod and cable tube to protect the data cable. Protection for underwater use and submersion is not guaranteed or recommended.

For other Edge Series models, see MSAH302. For older AD Series models the MSAH300 is available, contact us for more information.

Dimensiones 88cm (L) x 4.4cm (D) El Paquete Incluye Microscope enclosure, protective tubing for USB cable
Peso Período de Garantía 1 año
Cuerpo Material Metal Fabricado en China
Compatible con "AF" Series, USB 3.0 Models, EdgePLUS 1.3MP, AM5218 HDMI Models Aprobación Regulatoria ROHS

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Dunwell para Dino-Lite



Harsh Environment Enclosure ("AF" Series & USB 3.0 Edge Series)

Harsh environment enclosure for “AF” Models, USB 3.0 Edge Series, EdgePLUS & AM5218 Dino-Lite microscopes. This encasement will protect the Dino-Lite Microscope exposed to damaging debris or loose particles. This protective device uses the built-in LED light of the Dino-Lite microscope to view pre-adjusted magnified images. The MSAH303 includes an aluminum extendable rod and cable tube to protect the data cable. Protection for underwater use and submersion is not guaranteed or recommended.

For other Edge Series models, see MSAH302. For older AD Series models the MSAH300 is available, contact us for more information.

Dimensiones77.14mm (L), 65.55mm (W), 98mm (H)El Paquete IncluyeMotor, caja de control, clip en C, tornillos de fijación, adaptador de CA, cable USB, conector DIN circular macho/hembra de 2 pines, CD de software
PesoPeríodo de Garantía1 año
Cuerpo MaterialMetal con Piezas de PlásticoFabricado enTaiwán
Compatible conTodos los Microscopios Portátiles Dino-LiteAprobación RegulatoriaCE, FCC
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