AM7115MZTW [Discontinued]

Serie Edge

Updated/replaced by AF7115MZTW

The AM7115MZTW Dino-Lite Edge delivers 5MP image quality with Wide Field-of-View (WFOV) and Depth-of-Field (DOF), which makes it ideal for macro viewing applications because of it’s dual focus feature.

This model has been discontinued, updated version: AF7115MZTW

Model version update: AF7115MZTW

The official magnification range of this microscope is 10x to 50x, however, this model is capable of focusing as low as 2x at longer distances.
Por favor, contáctenos para más información.
The AM7115MZTW Dino-Lite Edge delivers 5MP image quality with Wide Field-of-View (WFOV) and Depth-of-Field (DOF), which makes it ideal for macro viewing applications. With a working distance of more than 1cm from the target, once in focus, rotating the knob will receive another focal point, and thus effectively zoom in the image optically. This offers the capability of looking into more detail while enjoying a larger field of view. The freely adjustable polarizer helps to reveal more detail or to enhance the contrast on the surface by reducing or eliminating the reflections. This model includes the adaptable cap design, a detachable and interchangeable front cap design used in the Dino-Lite Edge series. Different caps have been developed for more applications. Simply removing the cap would yield more working distance which brings added convenience in the higher magnification range, or have better accessibility to the full range of magnification.
Medición y CalibraciónTipo de ConecciónUSB 2.0
Control LED Flexible (FLC)Resolución2592 × 1944 píxeles
Lectura de Aumento Automático (AMR)NoSistema OperativoSistema operativo Mac, Windows
Profundidad de Campo Extendida (EDOF)NoVelocidad de Fotogramas (máx.)30 fps
Rango Dinámico Mejorado (EDR)NoDimensiones10.5cm (L) x 3.2cm (D) (4.13" x 1.26")
​Adquisición de Profundidad (DPQ)NoPeso135g (4.76oz)
PolarizaciónLongitud del Cable182cm
Rango de aumento10x - 50xEstándares de imagenUVC
LEDBlanco (8)Período de Garantía2 años
Distancia de trabajoLargaLongitud de onda de emisión (filtro)N / A
Cuerpo MaterialMetalLongitud de onda de excitación (LED)N / A
Adaptador InalambricoWF-10 (no incluido)Fabricado enTaiwán
Sensor MicrotouchAprobación RegulatoriaCE, FCC
Bloqueo de aumentoEn la CajaMicroscope, Carry Pouch, Edge Calibration Target, Alternate end caps
Distancia de trabajoT17.537.567.5127.5177.5W17.537.547.567.5177.5
Campo de visiónT9 x 711 x 915 x 1223 x 1930 x 24W14 x 1125 x 2031 x 2541 x 3398 x 78
Profundidad de campoT346W6
Distancia de trabajoT0.6891.4762.6575.026.988W0.6891.4761.872.6576.988
Campo de visiónT0.354 x 0.2760.433 x 0.3540.591 x 0.4720.906 x 0.7481.181 x 0.945W0.551 x 0.4330.984 x 0.7871.220 x 0.9841.614 x 1.2993.858 x 3.071
Profundidad de campoT0.1180.1570.236W0.236

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Serie Edge

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Updated/replaced by AF7115MZTW

Model version update: AF7115MZTW

The official magnification range of this microscope is 10x to 50x, however, this model is capable of focusing as low as 2x at longer distances.
Por favor, contáctenos para más información.
The AM7115MZTW Dino-Lite Edge delivers 5MP image quality with Wide Field-of-View (WFOV) and Depth-of-Field (DOF), which makes it ideal for macro viewing applications. With a working distance of more than 1cm from the target, once in focus, rotating the knob will receive another focal point, and thus effectively zoom in the image optically. This offers the capability of looking into more detail while enjoying a larger field of view. The freely adjustable polarizer helps to reveal more detail or to enhance the contrast on the surface by reducing or eliminating the reflections. This model includes the adaptable cap design, a detachable and interchangeable front cap design used in the Dino-Lite Edge series. Different caps have been developed for more applications. Simply removing the cap would yield more working distance which brings added convenience in the higher magnification range, or have better accessibility to the full range of magnification.
Medición y CalibraciónTipo de ConecciónUSB 2.0
Control LED Flexible (FLC)Resolución2592 × 1944 píxeles
Lectura de Aumento Automático (AMR)NoSistema OperativoSistema operativo Mac, Windows
Profundidad de Campo Extendida (EDOF)NoVelocidad de Fotogramas (máx.)30 fps
Rango Dinámico Mejorado (EDR)NoDimensiones10.5cm (L) x 3.2cm (D) (4.13" x 1.26")
​Adquisición de Profundidad (DPQ)NoPeso135g (4.76oz)
PolarizaciónLongitud del Cable182cm
Rango de aumento10x - 50xEstándares de imagenUVC
LEDBlanco (8)Período de Garantía2 años
Distancia de trabajoLargaLongitud de onda de emisión (filtro)N / A
Cuerpo MaterialMetalLongitud de onda de excitación (LED)N / A
Adaptador InalambricoWF-10 (no incluido)Fabricado enTaiwán
Sensor MicrotouchAprobación RegulatoriaCE, FCC
Bloqueo de aumentoEn la CajaMicroscope, Carry Pouch, Edge Calibration Target, Alternate end caps

Magnification & Working Distance Chart

Distancia de trabajoT17.537.567.5127.5177.5W17.537.547.567.5177.5
Campo de visiónT9 x 711 x 915 x 1223 x 1930 x 24W14 x 1125 x 2031 x 2541 x 3398 x 78
Profundidad de campoT346--W6----
* Units shown in millimeter
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