Serie Edge

TV HMDI con polarizador, MicroTouch y WD largo

The Dino-Lite Edge AM5218MZTL is designed for connecting directly to HDTV or LCD monitors with HD 720p format with longer working distance and a polarizer.

Este es un modelo de Larga Distancia de Trabajo , debido al rango requerido para enfocar en aumentos específicos, recomendamos el uso de un soporte..

El rango de aumento oficial de este microscopio es de 10x a 140x, sin embargo, este modelo es capaz de enfocar a 5x a distancias más largas.
Algunos modelos incluso pueden enfocar por debajo de 5x. Por favor contáctenos para más información.
The Dino-Lite Edge Series AM5218MZTL is designed for connecting directly to HDTV or LCD monitors via HD Interface or DVI with HD 720p format with a polarizer and a longer working distance than standard models. This updated Edge Series model delivers higher image quality with a state-of-the-art lens design, providing matchless image quality with stunning sharpness, least aberration, and least vignetting throughout the whole magnification range which is apparent in the whole Dino-Lite Edge Series. The polarizer allows you to observe things in high resolution and see things you couldn’t with direct lighting with a full magnification range of 10x – 140x with longer working distance. The AM5218MZTL’s MicroTouch provides the convenience to freeze the live video to examine details by pressing and holding the MicroTouch sensor for 1 second. The LEDs can also be switched by holding the same MicroTouch sensor for two seconds or more.
Rango de aumento 10x - 140x Tipo de Conección HDMI
Resolución 720p Cuerpo Material Metal
Velocidad de Fotogramas (máx.) 60 fps Dimensiones 10.5cm (L) x 3.2cm (D) (4.13" x 1.26")
Bloqueo de aumento Peso 135g (4.76oz)
Sensor Microtouch Longitud del Cable HDMI: 152.4cm (5ft) / DVI: 182cm (6ft) / AC Adapter: 182cm (6ft)
LED Blanco (8) Período de Garantía 2 años
Polarización Fabricado en Taiwán
Tipo de distancia de trabajo Larga Aprobación Regulatoria CE, FCC
En la Caja Microscope, AC Adapter, Alternate end caps
Distancia de Trabajo234.5112.572.554.543.537.533.731.329.929.229.129.329.830.5
Campo de visión39 x 23.419,5x11,713.0 x 7.89.8 x 5.857.8 x 4.656,5x3,95,6x3,44,9x3,04,3x2,63,9x2,33.5 x 2.13,3x2,03,0x1,82,8x1,7
Profundidad de campo124.
Distancia de Trabajo9.2324.4292.8542.1461.7131.4761.3271.2321.1771.151.1461.1541.1731.201
Campo de visión1.535 x 0.9210,768 × 0,4610,512x0,3070.386 x 0.2300.307 x 0.1830,256 × 0,1540,220x0,1340,193 × 0,1180,169 × 0,1020,154x0,0910.138 x 0.0830,130 × 0,0790,118 × 0,0710,110x0,067
Profundidad de campo0.4720.1770.1220.0710.0470.0350.0240.020.0150.0110.0090.0070.0050.004

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Serie Edge



TV HMDI con polarizador, MicroTouch y WD largo

El rango de aumento oficial de este microscopio es de 10x a 140x, sin embargo, este modelo es capaz de enfocar a 5x a distancias más largas.
Algunos modelos incluso pueden enfocar por debajo de 5x. Por favor contáctenos para más información.
The Dino-Lite Edge Series AM5218MZTL is designed for connecting directly to HDTV or LCD monitors via HD Interface or DVI with HD 720p format with a polarizer and a longer working distance than standard models. This updated Edge Series model delivers higher image quality with a state-of-the-art lens design, providing matchless image quality with stunning sharpness, least aberration, and least vignetting throughout the whole magnification range which is apparent in the whole Dino-Lite Edge Series. The polarizer allows you to observe things in high resolution and see things you couldn’t with direct lighting with a full magnification range of 10x – 140x with longer working distance. The AM5218MZTL’s MicroTouch provides the convenience to freeze the live video to examine details by pressing and holding the MicroTouch sensor for 1 second. The LEDs can also be switched by holding the same MicroTouch sensor for two seconds or more.
Rango de aumento10x - 140xTipo de ConecciónRCA
Resolución960 x 480 píxelesCuerpo MaterialMetal
Velocidad de Fotogramas (máx.)60 fpsDimensiones10.5cm (L) x 3.2cm (D) (4.13" x 1.26")
Bloqueo de aumentoPeso135g (4.76oz)
Sensor MicrotouchNoLongitud del Cable
LEDBlanco (8)Período de Garantía2 años
PolarizaciónFabricado enTaiwán
Tipo de distancia de trabajoLargaAprobación RegulatoriaCE, FCC
En la CajaMicroscopio, Adaptador de CA

Magnification & Working Distance Chart

Distancia de Trabajo234.5112.572.554.543.537.533.731.329.929.229.129.329.830.5
Campo de visión39 x 23.419,5x11,713.0 x 7.89.8 x 5.857.8 x 4.656,5x3,95,6x3,44,9x3,04,3x2,63,9x2,33.5 x 2.13,3x2,03,0x1,82,8x1,7
Profundidad de campo124.
* Units shown in millimeter
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